Editing in the Web App

Minerva Knows is a digital product that allows users to create interactive guides, how-to videos, and FAQ pages. Minerva maintains a comprehensive knowledge base of your products so you don’t have to.

My Role

Design Lead
User Research
UX Strategy


6 weeks


3 Engineers
Product Manager



The Problem

Our users are experiencing friction going from guide creation to editing their guide. They are getting confused about which application to use to make certain edits.

We need to work towards providing our users a seamless path from guide creation to editing mode and allowing them to make more custom edits.

Guide changes are done on 2 different platforms

Users can make edits to their guide on the Chrome Extension and on the Web App, causing frustration, confusion, and slowing down their workflow.

Sensitive Information Captured

when a user creates a guide using the extension, the Minerva product also generates a guide page with screenshots of their personal/sensitive information exposed.

What Do We Want To Achieve?

Reduce Friction for Users

Reduce friction with the guide edit experience

Smooth Transition

Provide a seamless transition from guide creation to editing the guide

Faster Improvements

Iterate and make
improvements quicker


Quicker to control, debug, make iterations, and launch new features

User Research & Diving Deeper into the Problem

User Interviews & Usability Testing

We set up 1:1 interviews with our customers to get a better understanding of their experience with their guide creation and editing process. We have learned the following:

Sensitive and personal information exposed on screenshots

  • A screenshot captures sensitive/personal information that our users don’t want to be visible

  • Need to be able to set some boundaries on what is shown on the captured screenshots

Create first, edit later

  • Our users tend to create guides quickly first and take their time to make edits and changes to the guide afterward. This includes: editing step text, deleting unnecessary steps, and making changes to the guide settings.

  • With the current experience, users need to go back and forth between the Chrome extension and the web app to make customizations and edits to the guide.

We have a lot of sensitive and personal information on the screenshots, and we can’t have this visible to our customers.
— Minerva Customer

Original User Flow

The user flow below shows the path the user takes to edit the guide they have just created. There are too many steps and 2 paths they can take to make an edit to 1 guide.

Original Way to Edit on the Web App

On the Web app, users can only add members, change permission settings, and delete the guide. To make edits on the guide itself must be done on the Chrome extension, which isn’t clear to the user.

The Before

The After: Solution and Designs

Improved User Flow

One source of truth. We simplified the experience by automatically directing users to the web app after guide creation. This allows users to make any edits needed in one place.

Design Options

Thinking wide at first, we explored a variety of possible design solutions.


Restructure the guide page

In order for the guide page to be intuitive and easy for the user to be able to make edits and customize their guide, the page itself must be easy to navigate.

Screenshot Image Editing Capability

Create a new feature that allows users to make edits to the screenshot images to hide any private and/or personal information that has been captured during the guide creation process.

Edit Step and Delete Step

Currently, the user can edit step text and delete steps on the Chrome extension. Allow users to make these edits directly on the Minerva Web App.

Results & Impact

Happy users

After the release, we followed up with Minerva’s Head of Customer Success on what they have heard from our customers. Customers have been very happy with the ease of editing the guide in one place and the ability to blur private areas on the screenshot image.

Steady Increase in engagement

Month-over-month increase of consistent engagement rate of 26% and continues to increase.

Next Steps

Improvements to the Web App experience

The next steps are to make improvements to the other areas of the Web App.

Implement improvements and iterations to the Web App

We have learned more about the user’s workflow in using the Minerva Web App. As we have improved the path from guide creation and guide editing, we will continue to make iterations and also make improvements to the Web App dashboard experience.

Visit the Minerva Site